We are proud to have received the Platinum School Games Award for 2023 - 2024 for participation and achievement in school competitions.

At Corpus Christi we believe that physical education, experienced in a safe, engaging and supportive environment, is a significant factor in developing our children’s physical competence and confidence.


We promote physical skillfulness, physical development and participation in a range of activities. We aim to give a stimulating, enjoyable and appropriately challenging learning experience. Children may work as individuals, with a partner or take part in group activities. During co-operative, creative and competitive situations they are encouraged to use their improvisation and problem-solving skills. Our children are also encouraged to appreciate the importance of a healthy lifestyle and be aware of the factors that affect their health and fitness.


In KS1 pupils are taught: dance, gymnastics, ball skills in modified team games and athletics. In KS2 pupils are taught dance, gymnastics, athletics and a range of team games including: tennis, football, netball, hockey, cricket and tag rugby. Pupils in Year 4 attend swimming lessons. Alongside our timetabled curriculum, there are many extra curricular opportunities for pupils of all age groups. We aim to use part of the funding to enhance further the skills and insights of the teachers who are leading these activities.


In line with our partnership with Richard Challoner School we have access to a range of sports coaches, who will come into school to deliver specialised coaching sessions each term.


The success of our physical education programme depends on certain essential criteria: a carefully structured and progressive scheme of work; an emphasis on enjoyment and healthy competition; clearly defined safety procedures; the development of confidence and self-esteem. Physical Education has a very important role to play in the overall development of the child in terms of health, attitudes and inter-personal skills, and as this is understood, appreciated and put into action the benefits to each individual child is immeasurable.



P.E at Corpus Christi