Writing in Year 5
The Year 5 Writing Curriculum
Welcome to our year 5 writing curriculum page! On this page you will find the following key information about what your child will be taught in writing during this year.
Writing Curriculum Overview
This document outlines what writing texts and skills will be taught throughout this year and in what terms your child will be learning them. It also lays out what the writing tasks that your child will be completing as well as how these tasks will be published and celebrated along with the texts your child's class teacher will be sharing with his/her class.
Writing Skills Document
This document outlines what writing skills your child will be taught this year and is based upon the National Curriculum document along with what we know works best.
To achieve the expected standard in writing for your child's year group, he/she should be able to demonstrate the skills laid out in this document throughout their writing by the end of the academic year. This will be assessed by your child's class teacher. This document will be placed inside your child's English book and the skills will be ticked off by your teacher as and when your child achieves them. Any ongoing targets shared with you and your child will be based on the skills in this document.