
Corpus Christi is a Voluntary Aided school in the Archdiocese of Southwark.

It was built to serve the Catholic and local community.



The reinstatement of the obligation to attend Mass 5th June 2022

As of the 5th June 2022, Pentecost, the Bishops of England and Wales reinstated the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. Parents applying for a place at Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, under a faith based criteria will need to complete a Supplementary Information Form. Evidence of practice will be measured by frequency of attendance at Mass as validated by either a priest or minister, as was the case prior to 18th March 2020. These arrangements apply to the admissions round for 2023 and subsequent rounds. 


Reception Admissions 2024 - 2025

Consultation for proposed changes to our Admission Policy for entry in September 2025

In accordance with the School Admissions Code 2021, the Governing Body of Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School is proposing some changes to admission arrangements for entry in 2025. The consultation period will run for a period of 6 weeks from Friday 8th December to Friday 19th January 2024


The Governing Body proposes the following key changes:

  1. Change to criterion 2 (Baptised Catholic Children): the key change is how religious practice is evidenced. A copy of the child’s certificate of baptism is required in addition to the SIF (to support our admissions administrative process). There is no longer a requirement to evidence attendance at Mass. 
  2. Addition of criterion 7: Children of families who are members of other non-Christian or Orthodox faiths, Churches and denominations.  Evidence of Baptism (or dedication) or evidence of membership will be required.
  3. Removal of oversubscription tie-breaker ii: Evidence is no longer required to show the strength of evidence of commitment to the faith as demonstrated by the level of the family’s Mass attendance.

A copy of the proposed Admissions Policy for 2025 can be found on our school website. For convenience, I have also attached it to this email.


If you would like to share any comments regarding the proposed changes, please submit these by Friday 19th January 2024, the closing date for the receipt of comments. Responses can be emailed to or posted to the following address:


Admissions Consultation 2025-2026 entry

Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

Chestnut Grove

New Malden


Royal Borough of Kingston In-Year Admissions Guide

For further information regarding school admissions please follow the link to the Royal Borough of Kingston Schools website